Safely on the road

Load securing

How to properly secure your load

In order to safely transport your car trailer load with your Humbaur, it is important to follow these guidelines:

Load securing for car trailers | © Humbaur GmbH

The main weight, with the lowest possible centre of gravity, should be located by the arrow.

Incorrect load securing of car trailer | © Humbaur GmbH

Incorrect load distribution with load at the front of the trailer (drawbar load too high)

Incorrect load securing of car trailer | © Humbaur GmbH

Incorrect load distribution with load at the rear of the trailer (drawbar load too low)

How to correctly mark your car trailer

Comply with the overall length restriction

Without goods, the overall length (unloaded) must not exceed 18.75 m. When loaded, it must not exceed 20.75 m.

Load securing Overall length | © Humbaur GmbH

Regulations for overhanging loads

If the rear overhang is less than 1.0 m, no marking is required, but the lighting must not be covered. That means an upward angle of view of 15° must be ensured, otherwise an additional light mounting is mandatory.

Within the scope of the regulations1, you may drive unlimited distances with an overhang of up to 1.5 m. An overhang of up to 3.0 m limits your distance to 100 km. If the load extends more than 1.0 m beyond the reflectors, then you must attach at least two markers.

You need:

The maximum fixing height of the flag and sign is 1.5 m above the road surface. Where necessary, at least one red light is required. In addition, there must be a red reflector, which must be attached no higher than 90 cm above the road surface.

1 StVO, Section 22 (4)